Off-Road Go-Karting with Kids

Off-Road Go-Karting with Kids

You can only take your kid to the playground so many times before they're ready for something else (or maybe you're ready for something else). For those who like to help their children explore new parts of the country and want them to have exciting new adventures, consider off-road go-karting. It's the right amount of adrenaline to keep them entertained, but if you do it right, they'll be safe and not too overwhelmed by the vehicle. Just make sure you're taking all the necessary safety precautions and that they have a kid-friendly go-kart. Here at Sky Powersports Lake Wales, we've provided some safety basics that you should be following and a couple ideas for go-kart models that your child would enjoy. We even have some of these units in stock right now so if you'd like to see them for yourself, then stop by our location in Lake Wales, Florida. We proudly serve the areas of Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, and Fort Myers, Florida.

Safety First

Start by making sure your child is wearing all the appropriate safety gear. This includes a helmet, which needs to protect their entire face. Off-road helmets will work perfectly, as they're generally designed for high-speed powersports. However, they don't always come with face shields so you may need to also get goggles to fully protect the eyes as well. You'll also want them to be wearing a proper riding suit that will provide the right amount of padding and protection. Make sure this suit fits snugly, as loose clothing can get caught in the wheels and other mechanisms. On that note, you'll also want to make sure there aren't any other risks for getting caught by the parts of the go-kart, so tuck in all long hair.

You can also upgrade the vehicle with safety features. Consider guards over spinning shafts to prevent hair and clothing from getting caught. You can also get a roll cage for extra protection.

Also make sure you're following the best safety practices. Everyone should be wearing a seatbelt, and if you're the driver, then don't allow your child to sit on your lap. They'll need their own seat to ensure their safety. You'll also want to keep a close eye on the vehicle. If it starts making strange noises and requires maintenance, don't let that slide. As the adult, you'll want to keep a careful eye on your child and you'll have to be responsible for anything that could go wrong.

Hammerhead Torpedo®

You'll certainly want to find a model for your child that actually fits their size, but there are some other features to keep in mind as well. You don't want something too powerful and it needs to be easy to control. There are a couple of models that we would recommend, starting with the Hammerhead Torpedo®. Hammerhead models are great for kids, and this one offers adjustable speed control with a 136cc, 4 hp, air-cooled engine for easy control. Because you have the adjustable throttle, you can reel in the power when they first start riding and try something more challenging as they become more experienced. Not to mention, this ride looks cool, so your child won't want to get off.

Hammerhead MudHead™

If your child is a little bit older, then you might be more interested in the MudHead™. This model is built for children over 10, which means you'll get just a little more power. Hammerhead recently released a new version of the MudHead™ that includes a 208cc LCT electric-start engine that has the ability to start and ride in any weather. Plus it comes in three different colors, red, black, and green.

Off-road go-karting is a fun, exciting way to spend the afternoon with your child. Just make sure you're taking all the necessary precautions to keep them safe so they can keep having fun all day long. If you'd like more help with preparing your child or if you'd like to look at some youth go-karts, then stop by Sky Powersports Lake Wales in Lake Wales, Florida. We welcome all patrons from Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, and Fort Myers, Florida areas.